Journal article

Yang, J.-H., I. Sarrou, J.M. Martin-Garcia, S. Zhang, K.E. Redding, and P. Fromme, (2015) Purification and biochemical characterization of the ATP synthase from Heliobacterium modesticaldum. Protein Expression and Purification, 114: 1-8.

Abdallah BG, Zatsepin NA, Roy-Chowdhury S, Coe J, Conrad CE, Dorner K, Sierra RG, Stevenson HP, Camacho-Alanis F, Grant TD, Nelson G, James D, Calero G, Wachter RM, Spence JCH, Weierstall U, Fromme P, Ros A (2015) Microfluidic sorting of protein nanocrystals by size for X-ray free-electron laser diffraction. Structural Dynamics 2(4): e041719.

Fromme R, Ishchenko A, Metz M, Chowdhury SR, Basu S, Boutet S, Fromme P, White TA, Barty A, Spence JCH, Weierstall U, Liu W, Cherezov V (2015) Serial femtosecond crystallography of soluble proteins in lipidic cubic phase. IUCrJ 2(5): 545-551.

Zhang, H., H. Unal, C. Gati, Gye W. Han, W. Liu, Nadia A. Zatsepin, D. James, D. Wang, G. Nelson, U. Weierstall, Michael R. Sawaya, Q. Xu, M. Messerschmidt, Garth J. Williams, S. Boutet, Oleksandr M. Yefanov, Thomas A. White, C. Wang, A. Ishchenko, Kalyan C. Tirupula, R. Desnoyer, J. Coe, Chelsie E. Conrad, P. Fromme, Raymond C. Stevens, V. Katritch, Sadashiva S. Karnik, and V. Cherezov, (2015) Structure of the Angiotensin Receptor Revealed by Serial Femtosecond Crystallography. Cell, 161(4): 833-844.

Gong Z, Martin-Garcia JM, Daskalova SM, Craciunescu FM, Song LS, Dorner K, Hansen DT, Yang JH, LaBaer J, Hogue BG, Mor TS, Fromme P (2015) Biophysical Characterization of a Vaccine Candidate against HIV-1: The Transmembrane and Membrane Proximal Domains of HIV-1 gp41 as a Maltose Binding Protein Fusion. PloS One, 10 (8) e0136507

Zook, J., G. Mo, Nicholas J. Sisco, Felicia M. Craciunescu, Debra T. Hansen, B. Baravati, Brian R. Cherry, Kathryn Sykes, Rebekka Wachter, Wade D. Van Horn, and P. Fromme, NMR Structure of Francisella tularensis Virulence Determinant Reveals Structural Homology to Bet v1 Allergen Proteins. Structure, 2015. 23(6): 1116-1122

Kang YY, Zhou XE, Gao X, He YZ, Liu W, Ishchenko A, Barty A, Sathish D, Yefanov O, Han GW, Xu QP, de Waal PW, Ke JY, Tan MHE, Zhang CH, Moeller A, West GM, Pascal BD, Van Eps N, Caro LN, Vishnivetskiy SA, Lee RJ, Suino-Powell KM, Gu X, Pal K, Ma JM, Zhi XY, Boutet S, Williams GJ, Messerschmidt M, Gati C, Zatsepin NA, Wang DJ, James D, Basu S, Roy-Chowdhury S, Conrad CE, Coe J, Liu HG, Lisova S, Kupitz C, Grotjohann I, Fromme R, Jiang Y, Tan MJ, Yang HY, Li J, Wang MT, Zheng Z, Li DF, Howe N, Zhao YM, Standfuss J, Diederichs K, Dong YH, Potter CS, Carragher B, Caffrey M, Jiang HL, Chapman HN, Spence JCH, Fromme P, Weierstall U, Ernst OP, Katritch V, Gurevich VV, Griffin PR, Hubbell WL, Stevens RC, Cherezov V, Melcher K, Xu HE (2015) Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to arrestin by femtosecond X-ray laser. Nature 2015, 523: 561-567.

Conrad CE, Basu S, James D, Wang DJ, Schaffer A, Roy-Chowdhury S, Zatsepin NA, Aquila A, Coe J, Gati C, Hunter MS, Koglin JE, Kupitz C, Nelson G, Subramanian G, White TA, Zhao Y, Zook J, Boutet S, Cherezov V, Spence JCH, Fromme R, Weierstall U, Fromme P (2015) A novel inert crystal delivery medium for serial femtosecond crystallography. IUCrJ 2: 421-430.

Fromme, P (2015) XFELs open a new era in structural chemical biology, Nature Chemical Biology 11, 895-899.

Li D, Stansfeld PJ, Sansom MSP, Keogh A, Vogeley L, Howe N, Lyons JA, Aragao D, Fromme P, Fromme R, Basu S, Grotjohann I, Kupitz C, Rendek K, Weierstall U, Zatsepin NA, Cherezov V, Liu W, Bandaru S, English NJ, Gati C, Barty A, Yefanov O, Chapman HN, Diederichs K, Messerschmidt M, Boutet S, Williams GJ, Seibert MM, Caffrey M (2015) Ternary structure reveals mechanism of a membrane diacylglycerol kinase. Nature Communications 6, e10140.