Journal article

Zhou, X.E., Gao, X., Barty, A., Kang, Y.Y., He, Y.Z., Liu, W., Ishchenko, A., White, T.A., Yefanov, O., Han, G.W., Xu, Q.P., de Waal, P.W., Suino-Powell, K.M., Boutet, S., Williams, G.J., Wang, M.T., Li, D.F., Caffrey, M., Chapman, H.N., Spence, J.C.H., Fromme, P., Weierstall, U., Stevens, R.C., Cherezov, V., Melcher, K., Xu, H.E. (2016) X-ray laser diffraction for structure determination of the rhodopsin-arrestin complex. Scientific Data, 3, 160021.

Pande, K., Hutchison, C.D.M., Groenhof, G., Aquila, A., Robinson, J.S., Tenboer, J., Basu, S., Boutet, S., DePonte, D.P., Liang, M.N., White, T.A., Zatsepin, N.A., Yefanov, O., Morozov, D., Oberthuer, D., Gati, C., Subramanian, G., James, D., Zhao, Y., Koralek, J., Brayshaw, J., Kupitz, C., Conrad, C., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Coe, J.D., Metz, M., Xavier, P.L., Grant, T.D., Koglin, J.E., Ketawala, G., Fromme, R., Srajer, V., Henning, R., Spence, J.C.H., Ourmazd, A., Schwander, P., Weierstall, U., Frank, M., Fromme, P., Barty, A., Chapman, H.N., Moffat, K., van Thor, J.J., Schmidt, M. (2016) Femtosecond structural dynamics drives the trans/cis isomerization in photoactive yellow protein. Science, 352(6286), 725-729.

Nogly, P., Panneels, V., Nelson, G., Gati, C., Kimura, T., Milne, C., Milathianaki, D., Kubo, M., Wu, W.T., Conrad, C., Coe, J., Bean, R., Zhao, Y., Bath, P., Dods, R., Harimoorthy, R., Beyerlein, K.R., Rheinberger, J., James, D., DePonte, D., Li, C.F., Sala, L., Williams, G.J., Hunter, M.S., Koglin, J.E., Berntsen, P., Nango, E., Iwata, S., Chapman, H.N., Fromme, P., Frank, M., Abela, R., Boutet, S., Barty, A., White, T.A., Weierstall, U., Spence, J., Neutze, R., Schertler, G., Standfuss, J. (2016) Lipidic cubic phase injector is a viable crystal delivery system for time-resolved serial crystallography. Nature Communications, 7, 12314.

Munke, A., Andreasson, J., Aquila, A., Awel, S., Ayyer, K., Barty, A., Bean, R.J., Berntsen, P., Bielecki, J., Boutet, S., Bucher, M., Chapman, H.N., Daurer, B.J., DeMirci, H., Elser, V., Fromme, P., Hajdu, J., Hantke, M.F., Higashiura, A., Hogue, B.G., Hosseinizadeh, A., Kim, Y., Kirian, R.A., Reddy, H.K.N., Lan, T.Y., Larsson, D.S.D., Liu, H.G., Loh, N.D., Maia, F.R.N.C., Mancuso, A.P., Muhlig, K., Nakagawa, A., Nam, D., Nelson, G., Nettelblad, C., Okamoto, K., Ourmazd, A., Rose, M., van der Schot, G., Schwander, P., Seibert, M.M., Sellberg, J.A., Sierra, R.G., Song, C.Y., Svenda, M., Timneanu, N., Vartanyants, I.A., Westphal, D., Wiedorn, M.O., Williams, G.J., Xavier, P.L., Yoon, C.H., Zook, J. (2016) Coherent diffraction of single Rice Dwarf virus particles using hard X-rays at the Linac Coherent Light Source. Scientific Data, 3, 160064.

Martin-Garcia, J.M., Conrad, C.E., Coe, J., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Fromme, P. (2016) Serial femtosecond crystallography: A revolution in structural biology. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 602, 32-47.

Kessans, S.A., Linhart, M.D., Meador, L.R., Kilbourne, J., Hogue, B.G., Fromme, P., Matoba, N., Mor, T.S. (2016) Immunological Characterization of Plant-Based HIV-1 Gag/Dgp41 Virus-Like Particles. Plos One, 11(3): e0151842.

Kärtner, F.X., Ahr, F., Calendron, A.L., Cankaya, H., Carbajo, S., Chang, G., Cirmi, G., Dorner, K., Dorda, U., Fallahi, A., Hartin, A., Hemmer, M., Hobbs, R., Hua, Y., Huang, W.R., Letrun, R., Maths, N., Mazalova, V., Mucke, O.D., Nanni, E., Putnam, W., Ravi, K., Reichert, F., Sarrou, I., Wu, X., Yahaghi, A., Ye, H., Zapata, L., Zhang, D., Zhou, C., Miller, R.J.D., Berggren, K.K., Graafsma, H., Meents, A., Assmann, R.W., Chapman, H.N., Fromme, P. (2016) AXSIS: Exploring the frontiers in attosecond X-ray science, imaging and spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 829, 24-29.

Herascu, N., Hunter, M.S., Shafiei, G., Najafi, M., Johnson, T.W., Fromme, P., Zazubovich, V. (2016) Spectral Hole Burning in Cyanobacterial Photosystem I with P700 in Oxidized and Neutral States. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120(40), 10483-10495.

Hansen, D.T., Robida, M.D., Craciunescu, F.M., Loskutov, A.V., Dorner, K., Rodenberry, J.C., Wang, X., Olson, T.L., Patel, H., Fromme, P., Sykes, K.F. (2016) Polyclonal Antibody Production for Membrane Proteins via Genetic Immunization. Scientific Reports, 6: 21925.

Fromme, P. and Sali, A. (2016) Editorial overview: Biophysical and molecular biological methods. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 40, Ix-Xi.